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For the year (April 1, 2001 to April 1, 2002), the Centre Division did...

Service Hours!
6,595 PERK pts

Click images for larger view.


Past events:
Here is a listing of some of the big events from the Centre Division in 2001-2002.  Photos are available from InterPACK 2001.

Centre Division Spring Fling at PSU Ice Pavilion--February 23, 2002

PSU-UP 24 hr Service Marathon & the Mr. Juniata Pageant--Nov/Dec 2001

Kiwanis Family East, in Asheville, NC--October 26-28, 2001

InterPACK 2001 at Camp Hidden--October 19-21, 2001

Centre Fall Rally at Knoebel's amusement park-- September 23, 2001

International Convention 2001 in Buffalo, NY--August 4-8th, 2001

Hunger Walk in Philadelphia--April 2001